Solar News

The Myths of Solar

There’s a lot of information out there about renewable energy, some of it true, some of it not.

Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between fact and fiction, especially on the internet. its one of the reason why the Solar Nation was created in the first place, to make sure the general public gets un bias, informative and correct information, especially when making a big investment like solar.

Solar Nation member RJW Electrical was written a great blog going over the facts and myths of the industry.

For more from RJW Electrical follow the link below.

Heading back to check out a 23 panel system we installed. Hope you enjoy watching 😊

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Regardless of location, The Solar Nation Network can provide an uniform approach across your property portfolio whilst retaining the traditional values of using local, trusted and established contractors.

Thrilled to revisit a previous installation from a few years ago, this time with the addition of a Tesla Powerwall! 🔋

Whether you’re a new customer or an existing solar fan, we’re here to help you harness the power of the sun for a brighter, greener future. 🌞

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