Solar News

Why is renewable energy important?

Anyone looking to invest in solar will have their reasons for the decision. For some, its all about the annual savings and long term financial benefits that come with solar, for others it might be the importance of reducing their carbon footprint and using cleaner, more reliable and cheaper energy or it might even be to slow down the needless killing of our home, Earth.

In this blog by Solar Nation member Perfect Sense Energy goes over the many reason to why renewables are so important to the world of today.

For more from Perfect Sense Energy visit

Our managing director, Josh King, participated in a panel discussion at Solar and Storage Live on the Future Homes Standard, offering his insights on the differences with Scottish standards and the evolution of solar-powered buildings.

Great first day of @SolarStorageUK!

Was great to see the new technology on the way and innovative ideas the industry has going foward☀️

Was also great to meet some of our members face to face too!

We have multiple Solar Nation members speaking tomorrow at various times, visit

A few our members will be speaking at @SolarStorageUK at @ExCeLLondon this week.

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