Solar News

Bird Guard and pigeon protection

The Solar Nation is a collection of established solar practitioners with a UK wide reach.

Each has their own website and social media pages that we will link to, cross promote and share. With reference to this blog page, we will share other companies content as we feel that they have an important message to share or information to provide.

The first blog is from Alec at Grid Neutral in Yorkshire,

It’s all about ongoing maintenance of your solar system and in particular, Bird Guard and the reasons why it’s so important.

For more from Grid Neutral and more so if looking for solar power in North Yorkshire, please see

New Blog!☀️

We all have our reasons when investing in solar, but knowing more reasons may help you make a better more informed decision.

This Blog from Dom Elec goes over the many benefits for the Homeowner when investing in solar


#FillTheRoofs is the new battle cry of solar installers.

Farms have been amazing for UK renewables these last 10 years but there needs to be a point where attention is switched to focusing on rooftops.

New builds, domestic, commercial, industrial and retrofit.

Let’s fill

Why The Solar Nation Network exists.

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