Solar News

Bird Guard and pigeon protection

The Solar Nation is a collection of established solar practitioners with a UK wide reach.

Each has their own website and social media pages that we will link to, cross promote and share. With reference to this blog page, we will share other companies content as we feel that they have an important message to share or information to provide.

The first blog is from Alec at Grid Neutral in Yorkshire,

It’s all about ongoing maintenance of your solar system and in particular, Bird Guard and the reasons why it’s so important.

For more from Grid Neutral and more so if looking for solar power in North Yorkshire, please see

Next Wednesday marks our 11th anniversary as a Ltd company. From self employed, to partnership and then ltd over a 17 yr. time span.

Not sure when the first conversation was had or with whom when the idea of The Solar Nation first came about, but it was with one of you and…

1/4 Think heat pumps aren’t right for older homes? Think again!We’ve made the news (thank you @PAMedia) and we’re busting the myth that heat pumps only work in new builds!

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