Solar News

0% VAT on solar PV and battery storage

You may have seen some recent news stories on a new government scheme introducing 0% VAT on solar batteries. This is great for anyone looking to upgrade their current set up or anyone new to solar looking to make the most out of their solar system.

Solar Nation member The Little Green Energy Company has written a great blog on the new scheme.

To get in touch with The Little Green Energy Company follow the below link.

Next Wednesday marks our 11th anniversary as a Ltd company. From self employed, to partnership and then ltd over a 17 yr. time span.

Not sure when the first conversation was had or with whom when the idea of The Solar Nation first came about, but it was with one of you and…

1/4 Think heat pumps aren’t right for older homes? Think again!We’ve made the news (thank you @PAMedia) and we’re busting the myth that heat pumps only work in new builds!

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